After reading James Schramko’s book “Work Less Make More” you will be inspired to take a good look at the structures and goals of your business (maybe even your life).

Living 3 beaches north of James I have been lucky enough to go to a few of his events over the past 6 or 7 years. Having taken and implemented many of the lessons taught it was great to see these included in the book and expanded upon.

Covering Topics on Personal Effectiveness, Goal setting, the Power of 64:4, Building a team, developing offers, Business Models and much more. The great thing about the way this book is written is that there is no Padding. It is concise without loosing the details needed to get the concepts across.

From cleaning out your e-mail in-box so that you are running your own life in stead of your e-mail running it. To the 64:4 Rule improving your productivity and “Owning the Race Course”  protecting your business from unexpected outside events. To find out what this all means you will have to read the book.

So if this sounds like something that interests you the book is available now on Amazon

Happy Reading

Steven Smith