Yesterday, veteran marketer Mark Thompson released video 2 in his 3-part “How to Sell More” training series.

Didn’t see it yet? No worries, play a little catch up (it’s well worth it – and free)…

Watch Video #1 Here.

Watch Video #2 Here.

He spent 2 long years before he had his “AH HA” moment, which is why he is sharing this with you.

Skip the headaches, time and money – trying to “figure it out” and learn from his successes (and failures).

Inside video #2, he talks about the three ways to grow any business:

#1. Increase the # of customers you get (that is, get more traffic OR increase conversions on the initial sale).

#2. Increase how much your customers spend PER Purchase.

#3. Increase how OFTEN your customers make an additional purchase

Most people seem to focus on the first method. However, many times that’s the one that is the most difficult and costly.

See how and why focusing on the 2nd and 3rd ways can 3x your business – as it did for Mark.

Learn a simple checkout hack that highlights the nine viral checkout elements your checkout page NEEDS, which is the MOST important page on your entire site.

It’s the reason, why on average, 46 out of 50 LEAVE without purchasing your product. But with this hack, you can recoup twice as many customers instantly, without having to worry about driving more traffic.

This video applies to ANYONE who wants to have a thriving business online.

Go and watch video #2 now.

To your success,

Steven Smith

P.S. Don’t forget, Mark also tells you how you can download his 3 Core Funnels (Digital, Physical and Coaching), that his team has tweaked and perfected over the years.

Regardless of what niche or product/service you offer – one, two or all three of these funnels will be your blueprint to maximizing your average transaction value and revenue!