“Discover The Secret Ninja Strategy A Full-Time Working Mom Used To Make $383.47 In 8 Days With Her Part-Time Blogging Business!”

(This Is So Easy, Even A Newbie Can Do It!)





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Are You Tired Of Trying Everything Under The Sun To Make Money Online?

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left”]Dear frustrated Internet Marketer,

Would you like to hold the secrets of running a passive blogging business…

…with less than 2 hours of work a month?

Sounds too good to be true?

Well, take it from me. Not so long ago, I was in the exact spot you are today and I have tried just about everything under the sun to make money online.

You name it and chances are that I have probably tried it:[/text_block]

  • Pay-Per-Click
  • Article Marketing
  • Adsense
  • eBay
  • Website Flipping

YEP, done them all!

The Fact Is That Making Money Online Will Take Time If You Are Trying To Figure It Out By Yourself

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left”]I struggled for years and gave up twice before I figured out my super NINJA tricks.

Wait…I am getting ahead of myself. First let me introduce myself.[/text_block]

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left”]My name is Shreya, I started with online marketing back in 2007.

Life happened and I gave it up.

Now, I know what you are thinking, let me tell you that I wasn’t a complete failure.

I made a few thousand dollars but like I said…life happened.

Then comes 2010…I had a good job but I decided to give online marketing another try.[/text_block]

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left”]To be honest, this time around my priorities were elsewhere and I just didn’t have time for my business.[/text_block]

What happens next? You guessed it…I gave up.

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left”]It was not until 2015, when another life changing event took place.

I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy.

He is the one that taught me the true value of having time and the importance of financial independence.[/text_block]

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left”]I had to go back to work and that was the hardest thing I ever did.

This is the day I had to drop him at daycare and also the day that

I decided that I needed to get back to internet marketing.

I had made money with it in the past and I knew could do it again.[/text_block]

There are lots of Internet Marketing gurus who paint a rosy picture of becoming millionaires online.


[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” bottom_padding=”0″ bottom_margin=”0″]How hard could it be?

This time around, I started a blog.

I monetized my blog to start seeing income.

But one thing I quickly realized was that it is hard to keep your blog updated.

I just didn’t have the time to put into it. And the income wasn’t really helping.

Week after week, I kept seeing this….[/text_block]

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”center”]I had a little bit more luck with my Adsense account.[/text_block]


As You Can See, Things Just Weren’t Working Out Until I Finally Discovered How To Become A…

Mommy By Day!

Ninja By Night!


When I Discovered The Ninja Strategies I’m Going To Reveal To You, My Results Began to Change!

Here’s The Proof In My JVZoo Affiliate Account:



That Equals $383.47 in just 8 Days!
Legit, Consistent Part-Time Income From Home
No Gimmicks, No Games. REAL Income!


  • This is NOT eCom or Amazon selling.
  • No physical goods, or shipping hassles.
  • No SEO, or client headaches to deal with.
  • This is not MLM or spamming people.

You are probably thinking that I worked hard and slaved over my computer to get results like this…

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” bottom_padding=”0″ bottom_margin=”0″]NO, I did not.

I Worked Smart, Not Hard.

I have figured out how to put in 2 hours of work a month and keep my blog updated for the whole month.

What does that mean?…[/text_block]


I Went From Tired Overworked Struggling Mommy  To Being  An Internet Ninja By Setting Up A Profitable Blogging System That Can Work For YOU Too!



Okay Shreya, If Setting Up A Blog Was So Easy… Why Isn’t Everyone Doing It?

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left”]The answer is simply that most people don’t know how to get started! They get bogged down with simple questions…[/text_block]
  • “What topic should my blog be about?”
  • “What length should each blog post be?”
  • “What if I don’t get any readers?”
  • “How do I install and customize a blog?”
  • “Which blog platform should I use?”

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left”]One of the main reasons I hear why people shy away from blogging is that they find it hard to keep it updated with fresh content. I have solved that problem for you!

I have figured out a way that takes me only 2 hours a month to keep my blog updated with fresh content and new affiliate offers.

The good news is, that I have put together a course that you can follow so that you can start blogging for profits too!

After the initial blog setup, it will only take you 2 hours a month to keep your blog updated.

Doesn’t that sound great?[/text_block]

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left”]You too can build a reliable online business, right from your spare bedroom by simply repeating this simple SALES PROCESS over and over again!

This system works, it’s scalable, and it can change your life BIGTIME.[/text_block]


We Proudly Introduce You To

Affiliate Blogging Ninja

You’re About To Learn Step-By-Step How To Blog For Profit With Only 2 Hours Of Work A Month!
No Gimmicks. No Games. REAL Income!

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left”]I have covered everything for you.

You will get step by step instructions on how to copy my blogging success inside the members area.

It doesn’t matter if you are a newbie and don’t know anything about blogs or affiliate marketing.

Why did I decide to share my NINJA tricks with you?

Look, life is just too short and I truly understand that now.

That is why I have decided to share my NINJA tricks with you.

So that you too can focus on things that are important to you.[/text_block]


Here’s What You Will Learn Inside The Members Area…

  • Which blogging platform should you use
  • How to get the right domain name
  • How to install your blog
  • How to add advanced features to your blog
  • Which plugins to use and how to install them
  • How to create content that people will want to read
  • How to generate catchy headlines
  • How to drive traffic to your blog
  • How to monetize your blog
  • How to smartly add affiliate links to your blog posts
  • What other important pages you should have on your blog
  • The best tools for bloggers and web masters you should not be without
  • How to integrate your autoresponder to your blog to start building a list
  • How to ensure a steady and consistent stream of new posts with only 2 hours of work a month

The ABN Members Area Is Super Robust!

Affiliate Blogging Ninja Teaches You How To Actually Make Real Reliable Income Online


[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left”]This is THE essential course on profit blogging. If you’re just starting out, this is the perfect companion.

Even if you have no prior experience, you will be able to setup and start profiting from your blog.

Affiliate Blogging Ninja will give you that unfair advantage and help you finally breakthrough so that you can start seeing results.

Are you ready to learn the secretes that can finally give you the freedom you are looking for?[/text_block]


But You Don’t Have To Just Take Our Word For It…



See What These Expert Marketers Have To Say

Randy & Simon

Hey Shreya,

Fantastic Job on the Affiliate Blogging Ninja! As it’s such an important part of making a living online, it’s definitely something we’ll be recommending.

You really do cover all the base with this product. No Stone is left unturned in the training, so I highly recommend people grab it and put it to full use!

Randy & Simon, MediaKettle.com

John Thornhill

Hi Shreya,

Just a quick note to say I’m jealous! LOL!

I’m already have a blog creation product, But now I’m thinking it would be easier to just recommend yours!

You went into every detail. In fact – more than I would have thought of

You truly do have a ‘Step by Step’ guide that absolutely ANYONE could and should learn from.

We’ll definitely be recommending this to all our subscribers ?

John Thornhill, JohnThornhill.com

Omar Martin

Hey Shreya,

Just finished looking over Affiliate Blogging Ninja.

I am amazed at how transparent you are in your videos. Not only do you share the best way of doing things, you also share what can go wrong. It’s hard to find that.

And hey, tell you what…I am digging the concept of watch and go do videos. You make it very easy to follow along.

I highly recommend Affiliate Blogging Ninja to anyone who wants to get into blogging. We will be promoting it for sure.

Omar Martin, CEO Higher Level Strategies, Inc.


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Shreya Banerjee’s 100% Satisfaction Guarantee

This product comes with a risk free 100% money back guarantee. We are confident that you’ll love the training but if you change your mind for any reason just let us know within the first 30 days from purchase and we will refund you 100% via PayPal.  No hoops to jump through, No gimmicks, No Shenanigans.

See What Marketers Just Like You Are Saying…

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”center” font_size=”24″ line_height=”29″]These testimonials are directly from our current and previous customers and/or students that have benefited from the methods and techniques we teach inside Affiliate Blogging Ninja.[/text_block]

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left”]

Trevor Mchaffie



[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left”]

Torsten Müller



Mandy Allen

Shreya, great training, thank you!

You show us in real time what you do and how we can copy that and create a viable online business.

You don’t offer a polished product that makes the viewer feel inadequate for not creating things perfectly first time.

You let us see how you have explored and refined your techniques, allowing us to see you learning from the things that can challenge us too.

I love the way you help the student to see how they can repurpose their content for different mediums so we can all maximize our content and place our offers before many more buyers.

The upsell of the Vlog training is invaluable to anyone wanting to use simple tools to create meaningful videos, and much of what you show is either free or very low cost so their is no great financial outlay to follow your methods and get amazing results!

The tools used are also available on android so you don’t even need a high tech computer to use them!

Your ‘quick and dirty’ videos are easy to follow and results can be seen immediately.

There is even a great bundle of PLR included in the members area and a ‘done for you blog’ option so no need to start from scratch!

Thanks so much for this great training!

Mandy Allen, mandyallen.com

Angela Yurtin Meadows

I learned so much from the Affiliate Blogging Ninja.

I’ve tried to create a few profitable blogs in the past, but I had no idea what I was doing.

With this product, Shreya walks you through the entire process every step of the way. Her training videos are extremely easy to follow and full of useful little nuggets of information.

I had no idea how many things I was doing wrong with my old blogs, but now I’m making changes that I know will bring the commissions rolling in!

This is definitely a great resource, and I highly recommend it!

Angela Yurtin Meadows

When You Get “Affiliate Blogging Ninja”
Today You Will Finally Have

The Unfair Advantage And Help You Need

So that you can start seeing results!

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left”]Are you ready to learn the secrets that can finally give you the freedom you are looking for?

What Would You Do With The Extra Time and Money?

Would you finally spend more time with your family?

Would you finally go on that vacation you wanted?

Affiliate Blogging Ninja will reveal everything you need to understand if you want to really develop and grow your blog into a money tree that buds out cash on a consistent basis you can rely on.

If you are going to build a blog at all, then you should at least do it right.

Why waste unnecessary time and effort setting up a blog if it’s not going to produce significant results for you?

Affiliate Blogging Ninja is the best All-in-One system available if you’re looking for straight facts without a lot of unnecessary fluff or worthless chatter.[/text_block]


Whether you call yourself a newbie or not…
If you’re not making the money you deserve,
You Really Have Nothing To Lose!


[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left”]All that sounds great, but you must be wondering…

How much will it cost me to get the Super NINJA tricks?

Trust me, it’s not an arm and a leg.

I wanted to keep it low enough that everyone could afford it.

If I sold this for $97, wouldn’t it be worth it to you to finally see your dreams come true?

But forget that, that’s too high….how about if I charge just one payment of $57. Would that be a price you are willing to pay for your dreams?

It will be a no-brainer option at a low one time price of $19.99

But you won’t be paying that today.[/text_block]

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I Want Instant Access To The “Affiliate Blogging Ninja” Training Course Now!


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  • YES! Please give me instant access to the “Affiliate Blogging Ninja” Training Course so I can learn all your secrets for setting up a profitable blog!
  • YES! I want to learn How to drive traffic to my blog so I can build a strong foundation for my online business!
  • YES! I want to learn How to monetize my blog so I can have more time and freedom!
  • YES! I want to learn How to ensure a steady and consistent stream of new posts with only 2 hours of work a month so I can finally spend more time with my family
  • YES! I understand that this purchase is backed by your 100% money back guarantee for a full 30 days!


[op_liveeditor_element data-style=””][text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”center” font_size=”70″ font_font=”Shadows Into Light” font_style=”bold” font_color=”#ab0000″ top_margin=”-20″ line_height=”70″]100% Risk Free
Limited Time Offer[/text_block][/op_liveeditor_element]

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$97 Value Yours Today For:


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There is no risk whatsoever and I should grab Affiliate Blogging Ninja RIGHT NOW for just a small one-time investment!

I have a FULL “no questions asked”  30 Day Money Back Guarantee, by just contacting your support desk.



[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left”]Why am I practically giving it away for free?

Because I now know the value of having financial freedom to live your life the way you want to.

I want to spend my time doing what I value in life rather than being tied to a job.

And I want you to experience that.

But here’s the thing…

I can’t keep the price this low forever.

After the launch ends, the price will go up.

Don’t kick yourself later after you miss this offer.

Because once it’s gone, it’s not coming back.

Click on the buy button before time runs out.

I am looking forward to hearing your success story,[/text_block]

Shreya Banerjee

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”center” font_size=”18″ font_font=”Oswald” font_style=”normal”]Shreya Banerjee
Affiliate Blogging Ninja[/text_block]

100% Risk Free

Money Back Guarantee


[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”19″ font_font=”Tahoma” line_height=”22″]

We stand behind our products and customers 100%. Our main focus is to do everything in our power to make your experience delightful and your business profitable.


[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left”]P.S. We all know that there is no magic wand when it comes to making money online. And I have stopped waiting for a push button solution. But with a little work and the ability to work smart not hard, we can all make our own fairy dust.

Don’t wait so long that you give up on your dreams. Click the buy button now, start your blog and make your own fairy dust to make your dreams come true.[/text_block]

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Frequently Asked Questions


  • q-iconWill I be able to use this as a complete newbie?

    YES! The Affiliate Blogging Ninja course can work for you, if you follow the step-by-step instructions.

  • q-iconDoes this work for any niche?

    YES! The blogging techniques taught in Affiliate Blogging Ninja can be used for any online business, regardless of the niche.

  • q-iconWill I need to spend money to make this work?

    YES! Any serious business needs some level of investment in the proper tools and resources. However, we show how you can keep your costs as low as possible and still reach your goals.

  • q-iconWhat if I need help or have questions?

    When you purchase Affiliate Blogging Ninja, you become a part of a larger community full of members at all levels. There is never a shortage of help, and our support team is always available to help you with accessing your course.

  • q-iconI don’t get it. Why so much value for such a little price? What’s the real catch?

    We are doing this because we remember what it’s like to be a newbie looking for the truth. There is only one catch. Affiliate Blogging Ninja is not some push button, get rich quick scheme. You will learn to build a real business the right way. That takes work and commitment.

  • q-iconHow do I get instant access?

    Just click the order button and once your order is complete, you will receive the access details to Affiliate Blogging Ninja in your inbox immediately. Just log into the site with your access details and start learning right away.

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