It has been found that most of the successful entrepreneurs are compared to celebrities who live a life of luxury and call the shots. But few know that it is not easy to reach the level where life seems to look easy and luxurious. In fact, there is a lot of laborious hard work which is required to reach the top.

From an outsider’s perspective, the life of an entrepreneur seems to be full of prestige, appeal, and money. But honestly, if you yourself are an entrepreneur, no matter how long into business, you would exactly know how much appalling it is!

Well, that is not truly the concern here! What actually matters is how can you “go the extra mile” to become a million-dollar person? There are many entrepreneurs who are struggling in the race to becoming successful, but surely they must be lacking something. Here are a few things, basically extra efforts that you can do to become successful:

1.     Get rid of the hesitant attitude and “talk”

Well, have you seen a millionaire who is hesitant to market himself? No, you haven’t because they do not exist.

As an entrepreneur, self-promotion is a part of your success. You have to market yourself, personally and professionally. You have to be in the “talk”, it can be any logical talk about your assets, knowledge, business secrets (that are actually not secrets), the value that you add to the market, basically anything that is logical and makes sense to the audience.

The Brilliant Entrepreneurs are amazing story-tellers. They have struggled and have broken their backs to reach where they are today. Talking about personal struggles of how they became successful, can actually help.

Undoubtedly there are hard-working people and entrepreneurs in the market, globally, but to reach a level of recognition, glam, and razzle-dazzle, one needs to talk without being hesitant or shy about it. It works!

2.    Welcome 10-12 hours of work per day

While working hard to achieve your goal of becoming a millionaire, you need to welcome the extended working hour concept. This means you just cannot restrict your working hours to 9-5 which is standard, something which everyone does. But we are talking about going that extra mile to become successful. Entrepreneurship requires doing whatever it takes to be successful which could easily mean more than 60 hours of work every week.

It is not something that is easy as it appears. It requires the sacrifice of one’s personal life and doing things which the normal people don’t do — getting up early, staying up late, and much more. You need to put your time and energy to get is going. Basically, you need to do so much to attain that level of success which others can only desire.

3.    Talk about money and get easy on it

Not everybody feels comfortable talking about money, but if you’re thinking about becoming a successful person, dreaming about earning millions of dollars, you have to become comfortable talking about them too. As an entrepreneur you should have the confidence and the ability to justify your worth, asking for overdue payments at times, dealing with critical situations.

Not only this, but you also need to learn to think about optimal utilization of money and spend it on the growth of your business. If this still makes you feel uncomfortable, you need to psych up and make yourself ready to run the show of success.


Dreaming is easy but turning them into reality is challenging. And until you go through the hard part, you cannot taste success. So, it is definitely important to go beyond your original capability and challenge your limitless potential — “Go the Extra Mile” and step into the shoes of a millionaire.


Thanks For Reading


Steven Smith