Blogging itself is one of the important traffic drivers, but what if you fuel it with Facebook? Still, there are many marketers & bloggers, who despite investing handsome amounts in content creation, find it difficult to reach their target audience and leaving it to luck is a big NO. “Wait and see, is a poor business strategy”. Going the extra mile is what separates the Pros from the wannabees. Just a bit of extra effort can catapult you to a whole different level of achievement.Facebook Ads are a great way to start off to reach your target audience. They are more economical than other alternatives and offer the right amount of tweaking to get your content seen by the right target audience. Let’s get started and see how employing Facebook ads can drive in tons of traffic to your blog:

Make Facebook a supporting tactic to gain exposure

Your blog should be the foundation of your marketing strategies. The quality of your content matters the most when it comes to reaching your target audience. Craft your ad in such a way that it doesn’t sound salesey.  Facebook should be used as a supportive tactic to gain exposure for your blog. Once visitors click through your blog, you can use your lead capture tactics as a better measurement of your marketing success. By including Facebook Ads in your marketing arsenal, you’ll have the double benefit of increased blog traffic and Facebook fan reach.

Amplify your blog with ads:

Facebook Ads brings in tremendous opportunities for marketers to promote their content directly to their ideal audience. Ad manager and editor, allows you to overcome organic reach limits.You can precisely target the demographics that are most important to you by setting audience parameters using location, job titles, interests, income levels and more. Facebook Ads as compared with other advertising platforms are relatively inexpensive and holds the same value (possibly more), considering the benefits it offers to marketers.  If you have a post that already has quality engagement, you can extend that engagement by promoting it with an ad that’s targeted to your fans, friends and others who may be your strongest leads.

Video Ads are the new lead magnet:

Facebook prioritizes native videos as compared to the videos that are shared from other platforms. And according to Facebook, native video ads are receiving higher user interest and engagement. You can use Facebook’s video Ad tool to reach out to your fans and drive traffic to your blog. When you upload a video, you have the option to include a CTA at the end, that links to a URL. This feature uses native videos’ powerful extended reach to drive viewers to the web page of your choice.  When someone watches your video, a CTA button shows up and when they click on it they’re taken to the URL specified.

Facebook brings new updates on a regular basis, so don’t get distracted by it, just move to an updated plan that integrates your blog’s quality content with Facebook sharing.
Your increased blog promotion leads to more traffic and overall engagement, which is a much better measure of your online marketing success.


Thanks for Reading

Steven  Smith