If you run a WSO and market 2,000 copies of a $9 product, how much have you made?

Odds are, you’ve made $0. Even if you have up sells, you’re still probably walking away with a few hundred dollars at best. Why didn’t you make money on the $9 goods? Because you gave away all or nearly the whole $9 to encourage affiliates to promote the goods in the first place.

Then… what’s the sense in even selling the $9 product? One word – buyers. You now have an autoresponder full of BUYERS — people who are PROVEN to layout MONEY on products in your niche. If your thing is right, then you’ve proven to them that you can deliver on your promises. Now you can sell them your $297 course, your $500 coaching, or recommend affiliate products.

Sell 10 $297 classes, and you have made $2,970.Clinchh the deal on 100 $297 courses, and you’ve earned $29,700. Close the deal on ten coaching spots at $500 a month, and you’re making another $5,000 a month.

You get the point. The money is still in the list and if you have a list of BUYERS, then your list is gold. Manage it with care, and the list you build will continue to pay you for months and even years too come.

Thanks for Reading

Steven Smith


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