The qualities that make Facebook Lives unique are easy to spot; it’s right in the name. Live video captures attention on social media and often shows a side of people and brands that you don’t see anywhere else.

Don’t lose the momentum that you build during your broadcast the moment that you stop streaming. But after live streaming, you can repurpose your videos to boost your marketing conversions. Below we have covered how to download Facebook Live video and some of our favorite ways to use that video to market your business.

Want some creative ways to reuse the videos in your marketing? Then read on.

  1. Upload to other video sites

Once you’ve got your .mp4 file from Facebook, upload it to other video sites, like YouTube or Video. When you add your video to your YouTube channel, add all your keyword-rich details to the description and tags.

You can also use the YouTube video editor to polish up your video; add captions, overlays, music tracks, trim, clip, and rearrange your video until you’re happy.

  1. Create a Facebook Live Video advert

At the moment, Facebook is pushing video ad content hard. You can expect a wider reach than traditional Facebook Ad types – which means a lower CPM and more engagement.

  1. Embed on your website (use Facebook Embed iFrame option)

By default, Facebook lets you embed videos on third-party sites (like your own).

Select the “embed” option from the video options menu, and add the code to your site – to a blog post, for example.

Viewers of the video on your website get added to a Facebook Custom Audience so you can fire ads at them on Facebook.

  1. Embed in your newsletter (use Facebook embed option)

This is the same as the last option, but the bonus of making your email content much more enjoyable. Just like third-party sites, you can also embed your video in your newsletter. This will ensure that your video reaches all your subscribers, and maybe after watching your previous live video, they will be intriguing for your next project.

  1. Repurpose stills into a blog

If your live video is more than just a talking head, then consider taking screenshots throughout the video and using them to illustrate a blog post.

Bonus points if you then embed the entire video too and collect all that lovely viewer data. Again this option is an excellent way to get a higher audience for your next project.

  1. Repurpose stills into Slide share

So, give yourself a bit of a break – take the stills you created, and use them to create a new deck in Slide share. In this way, you can repurpose your video also for the following projects but modify it and add new things.


A Facebook Live can be the source for a dozen shorter videos and all the additional viewers it receives once the broadcast concludes.

Having a strategic plan, and using the abovementioned ways to repurpose your Facebook live videos, will allow you to create less content while maximizing your live stream’s reach, exposure, and impact.

Thanks for reading

Steven Smith