Have you ever thought about this? Large amounts of people have the same things on their minds at the same time, based on what’s in the news.

When a sports team wins a championship, there are loads of fans all over the world in a celebratory mood.

If a celebrity does something foolish, strange or unusual, people everywhere are thinking and talking about that celebrity and what they did.

When you hear about these events, think about how you can tie your marketing into it.

For example, maybe you can use a famous catchphrase from a current movie as part of your headline.

Maybe you can offer a special discounted package in honor of a particular team winning their championship.

Anytime you can tie a promotion in with what’s already on people’s minds and lips. It’s an excellent opportunity to get their attention. Make a list of all the possibilities that fit your agenda. You might even poll your list to see what they want.

Thanks for Reading.

Steven Smith


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