Facebook ads are amazing, and people are making money hand over fist with them. But there is a genuine danger with them…

If you don’t know your numbers and keep a close eye on them, you can quickly burn through a lot of cash without seeing any return whatsoever.

Most people who try out FB ads end up losing a bit of money and then retreating to a safer space without having achieved anything. The key to getting cheap FB ads is to do what they want you to do… keep people on Facebook! That’s why page/post engagement ads are the most economical. They are also the easiest to run as you are just asking people to do what they’re already doing anyway… like, comment and share. This used to be the long game though, and it could take a long time before you would see any return on your investment.

But the game just changed overnight – watch this video to see how.

With Inboxr you now have the option to:

  • Instantly send an automated message to anyone who engages with your ad.
  • Automatically get them on an autoresponder so you can message them over and over again, without having to spend more money on ads.
  • Contact anyone who has ever engaged with your FB posts and ads – as often as you want.

As you can imagine, incorporating Inboxr into your business, Facebook ads just got a whole lot more profitable. Now you don’t have to pay premium add fees for buying clicks… or pay over and over again to have the same people hit your site. Now you can focus on getting as many likes, comments, and shares as you can – and this is the easy part!  And then let the set and forget Inboxr system convert this into infinite streams of free targeted traffic and hungry buyers.

Watch this video now to learn more:

As I said, the game has just shifted completely. The people running Facebook ads without Inboxr next week are going to be at a severe disadvantage. Don’t be one of them… Take action today and be the first to exploit this new Facebook gold rush!

Check out this short video describing how just one aspect of Inboxr works.

To your success

Steven Smith