In 2021 there’s a brand new kind of learning experience that’s exploding right now.

It’s called: Challenges!

Leading marketers, business owners, influencers, and more have been making a killing re-packaging their course content…

…into an interactive, results-based challenge!

Then giving it away to generate more leads…

…or selling it – and making thousands.

See how here


Previously if you’d wanted to do this, then you’d need to use a distracting Facebook group…

…or pay a developer thousands to put together a customizable solution.

Until now…

…because Challenges App is here to help.

Challenges App has been two years in the making.

It’s beautiful software that creates Challenges in 3 easy steps.

Step #1: Log in to Challenges App
Step #2: Create your Challenge
Step #3: Publish your Challenge

Watch a Demo here




So you don’t have to settle for unprofessional, distracting Facebook groups.

Or pay thousands to developers.

Instead, use the Challenges App to create your Challenges.

Then sell them yourself to businesses or give access away to your challenge to boost lead generation.

Then engage your participants with the many enhancements you get included with this founder special:

+ Drag N Drop Challenges Designer
+ Drag N Drop Challenges Planner
+ Beautiful Lessons Editor
+ Drip Feeding
+ Quizzes
+ Feedback Survey’s
+ Challenge Certificates
+ Participant Tracking & Analytics
+ Wide Range of integrations
+ Comments & Comment Moderation
+ Unlimited Challenges
+ Sell Challenges to businesses

Go here now to cash in on this new trend in online learning.

Right now, the software is selling through a very limited – invite-only founder special.

You can save $130 today when you get access.

Thanks for Reading

Steven Smith